Slow Work

I & F Education
I & F Education is an Irish based organisation working in and from Dublin for the educational development of people of all ages, especially in the areas of language acquisition, sport and personal development, youth and entrepreneurship. We stress and put the emphasis on lifelong learning as well as adult learning. We also work in the areas of social inclusion and diversity.
The acquisition of a foreign language, especially in the case of English, is an indispensable tool for entrepreneurship, for young people to get opportunities in life and for older people to get a job in a highly competitive market. I & F has developed tourism packages intended for students and adults involved in cultural and learning programmes centered on English language acquisition in Ireland. I & F Education currently offers English and Spanish language courses with full immersion for students in a family and school setting.
Young people can learn key competences if the educational setting is right. We believe in providing young people with the tools to improve their personal development in
many areas, such as emotional intelligence, soft skills, care of the environment, sociability and entrepreneurship. I & F Education runs programmes for young people who wish to develop their soft and presentation skills, emotional intelligence, etc. through our Horizon programme.
Our programmes offer everyone a possibility to upskill and learn the abilities to become an independent self-starter, who tries hard to face the obstacles in life with a sporting spirit. We offer courses for entrepreneurs and the self-employed. We give special pride of place to the acquisition of soft skills by personal coaching and mentoring and by providing people with links to companies. We encourage new companies and initiatives and get people to think laterally and positively about their careers and their future.
Social inclusion and diversity
In keeping with our supportive approach to programme management, we at I & F promote and support Erasmus+ in the context of Inclusion and Diversity.
The Inclusion and Diversity Programme devised by I & F develops project ideas with an emphasis on inclusion and diversity. It also develops trustworthy partnerships and engages with programmes in a meaningful way.

Ljudska univerza Velenje
Ljudska univerza Velenje established in 1959 is public non-profit adult education institution providing education and support to various target groups.
LUV takes an active part in regional community by improving the educational structure of the population, by motivating and informing the members of the community and by involving them in the formal and non-formal educational programmes. Staff of 22 is supported by over 60 contractual teachers.
Programmes are intended for adults and youngsters. Programmes include primary school for adults, programmes for vocational secondary education, professional secondary education, language and ICT courses adapted to various target groups (NEETs, business sector, seniors), labour market orientation programmes, social activation programme, study courses, workshops, and national and international projects.
Within LUV also operate 2 Centres for Intergeneration learning that includes 4 full-time employed staff members and over 20 volunteers and Pattern City – an ecosystem for education, experimentation, prototyping and innovation. The unique, interactive digital learning environment is focused on providing interdisciplinary content with learning by doing and playful learning methodologies. LUV also delivers social integration programme for people with distance to labour market focusing on improving their employment chances. LUV is active in local environment by supporting rural areas through development programmes and trainings to improve basic and entrepreneurial skills.
LUV is actively involved in various local, regional and national initiatives and actions (Life-long learning week, educational festivals and other events). LUV has years of experience in participating and coordinating European projects and is currently involved in 18 international projects (mostly Erasmus+ KA2).

INDEPCIE (Institute for the personal development, entrepreneurship, coaching and Emotional Intelligence) is a training company founded in 2017 focused in the attitudinal training and the improvement of human performance. We work with our clients with the aim of increasing their results both in personal or professional areas, developing techniques and strategies in the areas of coaching, Emotional Intelligence and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP).
INDEPCIE trains persons in the framework of their companies, so both the individuals and their organizations acquire skills and habits leading to a continuous improvement. We use the most advanced techniques in teaching and training to develop and achieve this ambitious goal as experts in team management, sales training, emotional management and motivation.
INDEPCIE is a new company which learns from the experience gained by its staff, professionals with years of background in the fields of training and the development and management of transnational projects in the frame of Erasmus + Program.
We have a high social commitment and we work actively with different young and women organizations, disadvantages groups, chambers of commerce and NGOs under a triple focus.
Personal Development
INDEPCIE pursues the personal development offering training programs to strength the self-knowledge, the awareness, the improvement of the interpersonal skills and the full development of the individual potential.
From an entrepreneurial point of view, we promote the professional and organizational improvement through communication and interpersonal skills. Thus, we reinforce the link between departments, customers and suppliers; the strategic planning and conflict solving. All this in order to maximize the results of the company, time management and productivity.
INDEPCIE develops permanently its own training programs, endowing participants with techniques, tools and skills in the fields of human development, emotional and physical health.
We belong to FAECTA (Andalusian Cooperative Federation), so we have a strong network of partners and companies in our region to develop, implement or disseminate projects.

Growth Coop
GROWTH is a recent organization but its member have a long experience in European Projects.
The legal form of this organization is a Cooperative and the legal status is a non-profit organization. We are a training provider, offering a range of management training courses.
GROWTH is an organization that design and deliver quality training solutions to enhance team potential and develop new skills.
Our qualified training consultant’s team have passion and experience, ensuring a stimulating and engaging learning environment for our corporate training.
The members of this organization are highly qualified professionals with a large experience in different professional sectors. The members of the organization have a great experience in the field of counselling, training in skills as well as in offering consulting services.
Our passion is developing people skills and competences; we do really believe that the base of the development of our society is the development of people and companies.
We work with people from different economic sectors and backgrounds promoting social inclusion.
Promoting values like entrepreneurship, inter-culturally, sustainability, cultural events, environment protection, circular economy, and other will make a better life for our future generations.
The main objective of GROWCOOP is to bring new ideas with a high significant impact in organizations and therefore having a great impact in our society. We look for new solutions focus in people.
We work with people in the organizations to solve complex problems in different areas with a multidisciplinary team and wide network of participants, with the principles of collaborative is a recent organization but its member have a long experience in European Projects.
The legal form of this organization is a Cooperative and the legal status is a non-profit organization. We are a training provider, offering a range of management training courses.
GROWTH is an organization that design and deliver quality training solutions to enhance team potential and develop new skills.
Our qualified training consultant’s team have passion and experience, ensuring a stimulating and engaging learning environment for our corporate training.
The members of this organization are highly qualified professionals with a large experience in different professional sectors. The members of the organization have a great experience in the field of counselling, training in skills as well as in offering consulting services.
Our passion is developing people skills and competences; we do really believe that the base of the development of our society is the development of people and companies.
We work with people from different economic sectors and backgrounds promoting social inclusion.
Promoting values like entrepreneurship, inter-culturally, sustainability, cultural events, environment protection, circular economy, and other will make a better life for our future generations.
The main objective of GROWCOOP is to bring new ideas with a high significant impact in organizations and therefore having a great impact in our society. We look for new solutions focus in people.
We work with people in the organizations to solve complex problems in different areas with a multidisciplinary team and wide network of participants, with the principles of collaborative ECONOMIE

Orange Hill
Orange Hill (OH) is a micro enterprise, founded in 2008, operates in the market of education and employees’ development. The activity mainly refers to services for companies (which are the main group of clients). The activity and structure of the company is divided into 3 domains:
- elaboration and implementation of HRM tools and methodologies,
- trainings and consulting – mainly soft skills and diversity and inclusion,
- designing, realization and management of innovative projects focused on development of organization and staff, mainly system for competence assessment, competence models etc.
OH prepares, implements and manages systems for organization and employees development like e.g. competency-based systems of personnel development, competency models, diagnosis of organizational culture, measuring employees satisfaction, training needs assessment, training efficiency assessment, developing strategies for age management etc. In these areas OH, in cooperation with academic environment develops own innovative e-tools tailored to business environment, such as: ESA (Employee Satisfaction Assessment), KMA (Knowledge Management Audit), AOC (Assessment of Organizational Culture), Diversity Audit. Tools are also available for professionals (trainers and consultants) in dedicated format of e!volve including tools, know-how and comprehensive assistance as well as networking.
Currently OH is also exploring the next areas in training and projects: diversity and cultural competencies, learning through art and culture and slow management, work-life balance, social inclusion, intercultural communication, digital and remote learning, managing dispersed teams and artificial intelligence for education, support for entrepreneurs.
OH constantly cooperates with NGOs (e .g: Youth Forum Lewiatan, Foundation Diversity Hub, Zona Art Foundation) and universities (e.g. Poznan and Krakow Universities of Economics, Jagiellonian University, WSE).
OH was the finalist of the competition “Businesswoman of the Year 2013” in the category of “My Company” and was awarded for an idea, innovation, vision and growth prospects.
Orange Hill is certified under the Certificate of Quality of Educational and Training Services. The trainings cover basically the area of communication, interpersonal skills, managing and motivating employees, recruitment and appraisals.
In the area of project implementation and management OH has built its experience from several years, conducting training and advisory projects or running its own development and innovative projects in fields of human resources, learning and development as well as many more. The majority of projects are enriched with detailed competence diagnosis, training needs research or individual support. Orange Hill has wide experience in projects financed with external funds, within the framework of the Erasmus + programme, as well as national-level projects (especially Human Capital Programme – ESF).

Centrul Pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente is a Romanian NGO that works in Lifelong Learning since 2005. CPIP is committed to mainstreaming the principle of equal opportunities for all citizens in the public policies and associated practices, as an integral part of democratization and the creation of an open society, to re-define the status of community co-production in all areas related to lifelong learning. We support initiatives and run programs and projects that aim at cooperating and innovating for good practices in this field. This is done by taking part at diverse European initiatives and then mainstreaming in the regional activities the developed products and results.
Our organization supports initiatives and runs programs and projects that aim at cooperating and innovating for good practices. CPIP’s main objective is to promote the lifelong learning through all relevant stakeholders. This is done by taking part at diverse European initiatives and then mainstreaming in the regional activities the developed products and results. We have so far worked in the area of:
- promotion of entrepreneurship in youth and special needs groups;
- social entrepreneurship;
- in social responsibility as part of two national networks;
- in regional development by working in health and safety for agricultural sector and in training rural developers;
- in SME development through collaboration with SME supporting bodies and by developing tools for integration of mobility workers.
We carry out several activities during the implementation of European projects, some of them are training, facilitating, counselling and integrating on the labor market disadvantaged persons, persons from rural and remote areas; creating teaching materials; organizing training sessions, multiplier events, conferences, meetings, etc.; work with youth, disadvantaged groups; promoting, disseminating and exploiting the products and results of projects, during their lifetime and beyond.
The complex team of our organization is used in working in multicultural contexts with partners all-over Europe and in several cross-cutting areas, developing and implementing with monitoring and reporting activities at partnership level:
- custom dissemination strategies, tools and reports including project-targeted websites & social media,
- projects’ sustainability strategies, tools and reports,
- internal quality assurance at partnership level, including a high-level team of external evaluators where required,
- testing and piloting packages for trainings and tools developed in projects, including the setting up of plans, monitoring & reporting tools, up to developing partnership level reports of the tests and pilots with recommendations of adapting and adjusting,
- research packages on different education topics at European level, from scanning public policy down to the grass-root level of interviewing professionals.